Health insurance broker is an insurance intermediary authorized by the insurance company to sell the insurance policies on the behalf of the insurance company. Health insurance brokers can deal with any number of insurance companies after entering into an agreement with them for selling, servicing and soliciting insurance business. HealthRead More →

How much do insurance agents earn?

If you’re considering an insurance career, there are a few things you want to understand. How do you get your license in the first place? Will you need a ton of hours of pre-licensing training? And once you get your license, will the money you earn be worth it? InsuranceRead More →

insurance broker?

An insurance broker is a legal entity (company) or an individual entrepreneur whose task is to represent the interests of customers in the field of insurance. Considering that insurance activity is becoming more and more relevant every year due to the minimization of all kinds of risks, citizens are increasinglyRead More →

Company insurance is a type of insurance policies that helps a business of large or small scale to protect assets, liability, or any physical damage to the property. Four Types Of Insurance Everyone Needs Life Insurance, Retirement Planning, And Wealth Management At a minimum, it is suggested that all enterpriseRead More →