Want to renovate a home, start a business, or pay credit card bills? You may be planning to apply for personal financing. However, you may not be so sure what it really is. There are many questions playing in your mind: What is the maximum amount available? What is theRead More →

Subrogation is also used in insurance law. Indeed, following a claim, the insurance must compensate you for the damage that you have suffered. However, if the loss was caused by a person, the culprit, then it is in principle this person who must compensate you. However, as the insurance has already compensatedRead More →

Cats are unique animals, and although to some people they may seem unloving, those who are lucky enough to have them in their lives know that they are very expressive and show their love every day. Unlike dogs, who do not skimp on showing their love at all times. EveryRead More →

APR stands for “annual percentage rate”. In terms of credit cards , this is the base rate used to calculate the amount of interest you will pay on any balance in future billing cycles. Each credit card has an APR which varies for each person with that card. Your rate is determinedRead More →

The Affordable Care Act, women, and families

The Affordable Care Act, women, and families The Affordable Care Act (also called the ACA, or Obamacare) provides Americans with new options for health insurance (also called health coverage or health plan). The law sets new rules for the types of health services a health plan offers and what youRead More →