Industry: Insurance
Founded: 1992
Headquarters: Moscow, Russia

About Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh (Russian: Росгосстрах), also called RGS or RGS Group, was the largest insurance company in Russia for many years (now it’s “number two” and “number one” is SOGAZ). Rosgosstrakh (RGS) has been around for over 95 years. It is the one of leading insurance players in the Russian market. With more than 25 million private and 250,000 corporate clients from all over the country, 3,000 regional offices, and 400 claim centers, the company provides insurance products from popular auto policies to insurance of domestic animals and spacecraft.

Rosgosstrakh Contact Details

Address: 140002, Moscow region, city of Lyubertsy, Parkovaya street, building 3, Russia
Phone Number: 8-800-200-0-900, +7 (495) 926-55-55
Contact Mail:

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