Industry: Insurance
Founded: 1947
Headquarters: Moscow, Russia
Key people: Michail Volkov (CEO)

About Ingosstrakh

IPJSC Ingosstrakh is one of the major insurance companies of Russia, an insurance public joint-stock company. Headquartered in Moscow, Russia. Ingosstrakh is the legal successor of the Chief Agency of Foreign Insurance of the USSR founded in 1947. In 1972 transformed into a stock company (100% government shares) and in 1992 it went private. Licenses to provide all types of insurance and reinsurance specified in the Russian Federation Law on Insurance in the Russian Federation allow the company to provide comprehensive protection of financial interests of its clients.

Ingosstrakh Contact Details

Address: Rochdelskaya st., 15, building 35
1905 Goda Street , Krasnopresnenskaya
Phone Number: 8 (495) 956-55-55, +7 (495) 956-55-55
Contact Mail:

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