New India Assurance Co. Ltd

Industry: Financial services
Founded: 23 July 1919; 102 years ago

About New India Assurance Co. Ltd

NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD, founded by Sir Dorabji Tata in 1919, a Multinational General Insurance Company, today operates in 28 countries and headquartered at Mumbai, India.Our global business crossed Rs. 31573 crores in March 2021.

We have been market leaders in India in Non-Life business for more than 50 years.Our Indian business crossed Rs.28548 crores in March 2021. We are rated B++ Stable FSR Rating and bbb+ Stable ICR Outlook byAM BEST Company. We have been rated AAA/Stable by CRISIL since 2014 , indicating that the Company has the highest degree of Financial Strength to honour its Policyholder’s obligations.

We have been leading the market, apart from premium, in reserves & net worth for many years.

New India Assurance Co. Ltd Contact Details

Address: Mancherial – Chandrapur – Nagpur Rd,
Main Chowk, Butibori, Maharashtra 441108


Phone Number: 07103263890

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