What Is A Twin Flame? Here Are The Signs You’ve Found Yours


Have you met someone for the first time and they immediately attracted you, as if you knew that person before? Did you click immediately and immediately establish a strong connection? Have you seen the sequence of the number 11:11 in each turn?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then you may be in a twin flame relationship. These mysterious, cosmic, and coveted relationships are said to be life-changing, soul-uplifting, and … extremely challenging.

In this article, we will explore the concept of a twin flame, the signs that you are in a twin flame relationship, and provide a practical guide to making this esoteric concept a gateway to developing a thriving relationship based on mutual growth.

What is a twin flame?

For a concept as artistic as the Twin Flame, what better place to start than Greek philosophy? In Plato’s Symposium, in explaining the origin of love, Aristophanes says:

According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a two-faced head. Fearing their power, Zeus divided them into two separate parts and sentenced them to spend their lives searching for their other halves.

What is most revealing about Plato’s reflection is that this definition applies to soulmates, more than the traditional definition of soulmates. Although a person can have many soulmates, it is said that there is only one twin flame: the other half, or mirror soul. Plato adds:

“… and when one of them meets the other half, the same half of himself, be it a lover of youth or another lover, the couple is lost in a wonder of love and friendship and intimacy, and one He will no longer be out of each other’s sight, as I can tell, even for a moment … ”

The twin flame meaning is a soul-level connection, one of surprise, friendship, and intimacy. But deeper than that, a twin flame is the other half of a soul divided in two. A soul, embodied in two separate beings. As you can imagine, it is quite intense.

The purpose of twin flame love

Simply put, your twin flame is your mirror. It is said that once you reach a certain level of consciousness in life, meeting your twin flame will catalyze your growth for a divine purpose. This means that you two roam the planet Earth. The other “you” is your twin flame and when you cross your path, you immediately feel like you are whole again.

But not everything is sun and rainbow, but strong reflections and shadows. Like your mirror, your twin flame reflects your weaknesses and areas of growth, as well as your greatest strengths. In essence, his presence ignited a spell of intense and rapid transformation and personal growth.

The meaning of the twin flame is fully understood after entering the doors of spiritual awakening and beginning the practice of self-examination. This is where relationships and personal (and spiritual) growth come together. It is a place where you all exist, exposed and exposed, and you long for connection like a caterpillar looking for the perfect branch to build a cocoon.

But this caterpillar hopes not to hide from the exhibition. It is designed to shed skin, and anything that is not essential, to become something new. Something without the traps of distortion, lies, misconceptions, ego, and ignorance that can fly more freely and peacefully.

A twin flame relationship isn’t about love – life partners are based on it

A life partner is someone for whom you have true love. You know that you have found your life partner when you have identified true and unconditional love for another person and they have expressed (and demonstrated) it to you. It’s all about love.

But a 1212 meaning love twin flame is not about love, it is about truth. Twin flames can often cause a radical personal awakening for each other as they can see through each other.

They are a perfect match, especially when it comes to the internal challenges you face, so meeting face to face is like facing yourself and solving your internal problems.

According to Dr. Lisa Vallejos:

“The true purpose of Twin Flame is not about great sex, emotional highs and an epic love story; it is to wake up, shake and call yourself higher. It is a gift from the Divine, one that you can only fully understand when you have let go of all of them. the little things you’ve held on to for so long that don’t serve you anymore. ‘

In this way, while a life partner is about cultivating a deep connection through love, a twin flame is about cultivating a deep connection through shared pain, understanding, and the growth that comes from it. It really is about removing layers of noise to get to the truth of your life and of all things as a whole.

Your twin flame is supposed to cause you pain – a life partner isn’t (but probably will)

Relationships are tough. That’s the way it is. Even two people who are made for each other, life partners from start to finish, often cause each other quite a bit of pain during their relationship journey. It is inevitable when two people try to get together in such an intimate way that a conflict arises.

However, to some extent, it is believed that a angel number 222 meaning twin flame hurts us. Without a little pain inflicted, we probably won’t go through a real transformation.

It is precisely in the definition of intense personal growth where you have to experience a lot of pain to make a major transformation. The pain experienced in a typical relationship with a life partner can and often does help us grow, but it’s more about learning to work together and live together.

While twin flame is all about digging up dirt from each other in order to clean it, it hurts a lot to remove that dirt before cleaning.

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