Pro Tip To Chose The Best Water Purifier For Your Home?


Pro Tip To Chose The Best Water Purifier For Your Home?

Are water purifiers required in the home? Clean and reliable drinking water is important for all humans, but not everyone has it. Many areas across India suffer from a shortage of water, forcing citizens to rely on tankers’ groundwater or water. Water quality from these sources can be poor due to toxins such as pesticides, toxic substances, microbes, cysts, and high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). It’s no surprise that people are rapidly looking to water filters to cleanse their water supply.

Aside from that, there are practically hundreds of reasons why you should check for the right water purifier from Aquaguard Water Purifier Service kolkata and bring one home; for example, water purifiers make sure:

  • Protection against potentially fatal waterborne diseases caused by polluted water
  • That odd chlorine flavor, calcium carbonate, is extracted from tap water (which means it won’t ruin your coffee!)
  • Scratches, spotting, and scaling on the layer of your kitchen utensils are minimal or non-existent.

Impurities Present In The Water Of Various Types

The amount of impurities present in your drinking water is largely dictated by the water source and delivery medium. Lakes, reservoirs, bore wells, collected seawater, piped municipal company supply, water tankers, and so on are the most important drinking water sources.

The water source determines the water’s purity, the number of impurities such as toxic contaminants, additives, and biochemical particulates such as bacteria or viruses, and the hardness.

Find out where the drinking water comes from and analyze it for hardness, turbidity, or TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). If the TDS content is less than 500 ppm, the water is safe to drink; but, if the level of suspended solids reaches 1000 ppm, the water is unsafe and harmful. The first step in finding the right purifier for your home is deciding your drinking water source.

  • TDS in municipal water is typically about 200ppm
  • TDS in groundwater varies from 200 to 500ppm
  • TDS in bore well water is generally greater than 500ppm.

Purification Technologies

Depending on the condition and origin of the water, a variety of water purifiers are available. RO (Reverse Osmosis) cleansing technique is more efficient for water with TDS levels greater than 500ppm. RO technology purifies water by removing heavy metals, pollutants, and minerals by selectively permeable membranes. If the TDS level is less than 200ppm, UV (Ultra-Violet) filtration technology can eliminate impurities while preserving main elements. For a TDS level of 200-500ppm, we suggest using an Aquaguard service Minerals RO + UV unit, which can reintroduce important minerals like calcium and magnesium into the RO distilled water.

RO technology has been associated with Mannu Bhai, and you’ve certainly seen many people still refer to water purifiers as ROs.  As a result, when it comes to purchasing a water purifier, most people assume that RO water purifiers can be bought without understanding the most significant considerations, such as the source of water and the TDS amount of the input water.

Suppose the TDS amount of the incoming water is less than 500 ppm. In that case, you can inspect the liquid for alkalinity (clarity), murky color, or the presence of biological impurities such as pathogens.

Storage Ability

Assess the necessary capacity of your water purifier by examining your family’s daily water intake. Purifiers with large water storage capacities perform well in areas with regular power outages.

  • We propose a storage capacity of 5-8 liters for groups of 2-4 people
  • Storage of 8-10 liters is recommended for 4-6 participants
  • Storage space of 10 liters is suggested for groups of more than 6 individuals.

Water Purifier Configuration Possibility

The majority of RO and UV water purifiers are large and high. Before you purchase one, it is essential to know the measurements and plan for mounting it on the kitchen wall. You would need to install an electrical inlet as well as a water inlet. Also, there must be a consistent water supply at a reasonable pressure, specifically if the water purifier is installed high on a kitchen wall.

Extra Protection Features

When shopping for a water purifier, aim for more advanced features and flexibility. Filters, for example, are an essential aspect of water purification, but we often overuse them and wind up consuming contaminated water. As a result, it is important to replace them as they expire. Aquaguard service in water purifiers has a double purity lock that alerts you 15 days until the filter passes and an auto-shut-off function that shuts off the water source if the filter is not updated despite the notification. This means that every glass of water contains 100 per cent pure water.

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