Learn All About Healthy Eggs In Women


Infertility Treatment For The Low Quality And Quantity Of Eggs In Women

Suppose you have decided to undergo the treatment of fertility with the procedure of IVF. This is the right place for you to learn about the eggs that women are born with.

At the Best IVF Centre in Punjab, you can quickly treat your infertility issues, as it is a simple and most common technique used to conceive a child. However, your previous medical conditions and complication would also be a factor that would decide the successful result.

Let us now begin with the discussion of healthy eggs for getting pregnant.

What Are The Doctors Looking For In Eggs?

Doctors try to search for a healthy egg that is not determined by looking at them. The patient would have to undergo specific tests and scans to search for a healthy egg. There might be some abnormalities within the eggs, such as open spaces or discoloration. But this factor would not be a hindrance to fertilizing an egg.

After the matured eggs are fertilized, and the embryo crosses the blastocyst stage, there would be 50-50 chances of conceiving a child.

As the women grow older, the chances of having low quality eggs increase. The peak of good quality eggs in a woman is seen at 25, and it starts declining after they cross 30-35.

What Is More Important: Quality Or Quantity Of The Eggs?

Both factors play a significant role in helping the couple to conceive a child. If a woman has a limited quantity of high-quality eggs, she might find it challenging to get pregnant. Also, if the woman has a large number of bad quality eggs, she might still notice some issue conceiving. However, that being said, it is more helpful if the woman has a good supply of high-quality eggs, according to the experts.

Will You Be Able To Conceive Even If You Have Low-Quality Eggs?

The quality of eggs decreases as the woman grows older. It usually does not go away at once until and unless you cross the age of 45.

You can still try and ask your doctor’s advice if you are young and have an adequate quality of egg that would help you in getting pregnant. If all the treatment fails, you can easily opt for another treatment for low-quality eggs that is egg donor ( eggs from another woman).

What Is Ovarian Reserve Tested?

It is a technical term to describe the number of eggs a woman has. It can be deducted with the help of ultrasound and different hormones tests. For example, Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is a hormones test that assesses whether the woman has many eggs or not.

What Can Be The Reason For Low-Quality Eggs?

There are many reasons that could affect the quality of the eggs as well as decrease the quantity of the eggs. Some of the reasons include:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Consuming drugs
  • Exposure to environmental pollutants or contaminants
  • Intense radiation
  • Chemotherapy

Final Comments

At Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre, Under the guidance of Dr Sumita Sofat, the real reason for infertility would be diagnosed, which you can treat with an IVF procedure.

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