How to find a health insurance broker?


Health insurance broker is an insurance intermediary authorized by the insurance company to sell the insurance policies on the behalf of the insurance company. Health insurance brokers can deal with any number of insurance companies after entering into an agreement with them for selling, servicing and soliciting insurance business. Health insurance brokers such as Ethika insurance broking are the pioneers in the employee health insurance and retail health insurance segment. Ethika insurance has health insurance experts to provide expert advice to the customers on different health insurance policies, their coverages, exclusions and other terms and conditions.

Ethika insurance broking provides a 15-minute call with their health insurance experts to understand the group health and retail health insurance.

Step 1:

The first step in finding a health insurance broker is to google the list of brokers in your area. Google will display the results of insurance broking companies offering health insurance in your area. There would be many insurance broking companies operating in and around your area.

Step 2:

The next step is to call the insurance broking companies and find out the different types of health insurance policies offered by them. You can even request to send a comparison of different health insurance policies from different insurance companies on your mail for reference purposes. It is important to check the authenticity of the insurance broking companies before making a purchase from them. The authenticity of the insurance broking companies can be checked on the IRDA website. There would be many fake websites as well as phishing websites on Google which should be avoided before making the premium payment online.

Step 3:

The next step is to visit the insurance broking companies in person to clear the doubts in the quotes shared by the insurance broker. Nowadays all the insurance broking companies have a call center where the customer can clear all the doubts and the transactions can take place online without the need to visit the office. When dealing online, customers should follow certain guidelines issued by the Government of India to prevent themselves from phishing and other attacks.

Step 4:

The last step is to do the payment and purchase the health insurance policy from the insurance broking companies. Before the payment there would be other formalities such as the pre-policy medical checkup, filling of proposal form, submission of KYC documents etc. The pre-policy medical checkup might be mandated by insurance companies depending on the declarations made in the health insurance proposal form. If there are any adverse health conditions or pre-existing diseases, then the same should be mentioned in the health insurance proposal form to avoid claim rejection later.

All the insurance broking companies have a call center where the customer can clear all the doubts and the transactions can take place online without the need to visit the office.The basic principle of insurance , principle of utmost good faith should be followed by both the insurance company and the customer. The customer should declare his/her health related information completely and correctly and the insurance company should declare the coverage and other terms and conditions in the health insurance policy to the customer without fail.


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