Allstate Denied My Roof Claim: What Happened and What I Did


When my allstate denied my roof claim, I felt lost and unsure of what to do next. Thankfully, my cousin who owns his own insurance company advised me on the steps to take, and soon I was fully compensated for the damages done to my house! Here’s what you need to know if your Allstate roof claim has been denied.

The adjuster said there was no hail damage

I had a hail storm in the middle of April this year. It left my roof looking like Swiss cheese. So when I filed my claim with Allstate, they said there was no hail damage. I knew they were wrong but how could I prove it? After all, the adjuster is usually on site during an inspection and he’s probably never seen hail damage up close. I decided to start by asking for his supervisor’s contact information so that we could discuss my case again. He wouldn’t give me his supervisor’s contact information so I contacted customer service instead, who sent me to another adjuster who was also at our house during the inspection. They agreed to send a second inspector out to review our property again and after he came back with photos of what looked like hail damage on our gutters and front porch, they agreed to pay for some of the repairs! Turns out I needed to take more steps than just telling them there was hail damage, which makes sense since most people don’t know how to inspect their own homes. The moral of the story is if you ever run into trouble with your insurance company, don’t give up. You have options.

They said my roof was too old

Recently, allstate denied my roof claim because my roof was too old. This came as a surprise, because I had recently paid to have all of the shingles replaced and it seemed like they were in good shape. When I called customer service, they said that since my roof was over 25 years old, it might be time for me to replace the entire thing.

I wondered if there was something else going on with my roof that Allstate could see from their office that wasn’t visible from home. But all the customer service agent would say is that the insurance company’s decision stands. The only advice he had for me was to get another estimate from a different insurance company and hope for a better outcome. So now I’m trying to decide what to do next. Do I call someone else?

Or do I just spend the money on getting a new roof myself?

They said it was normal wear and tear

I thought it was strange when the roofing company called me to let me know that they allstate denied my roof claim. When they said it was just normal wear and tear, I asked them what that meant. It turns out that if you have a small leak or crack in your roof, you can’t get it fixed. The insurance company says the problem is minor so they won’t pay for any repairs. They told me to call an emergency plumber because there wasn’t much else I could do about my situation without costing thousands of dollars. I’m going to try some online searches before contacting a professional. Hopefully I’ll find something on Google or Bing!

I’m not sure how long it will take for me to be able to afford this new roof. Even after talking with the repair guy, he still couldn’t give me a definite price. He didn’t want to start work until he knew how much it would cost. He warned me that if the leak got worse, then all bets were off. He also suggested getting quotes from two or three different companies before deciding which one to hire. The only good thing about this whole process is that I’ve learned more about roofs than I ever wanted to know! A few days later I finally found someone who gave me a decent quote on replacing the entire roof at a reasonable price. Of course, they’d charge extra for painting as well but I guess that’s par for the course when dealing with contractors these days. Now it’s time to save up enough money to get this project started. Fortunately I live in Texas where our winters are mild so at least my current roof will last until next year or maybe even longer depending on how many leaks develop during the winter months!

They said I didn’t have enough damage

I just had my roof replaced, it was a new installation. Allstate denied my roof claim because they said I didn’t have enough damage to make a claim. They told me that the shingles were not damaged and that there was no leaking from the gutters which surprised me because of how much rain we’ve been having. The insurance company said that if you don’t have any water damage or any broken shingles then they won’t cover anything, which is not what they told me when I signed up for the policy. When something goes wrong with your home’s roof you would think that Allstate would be there to help you out, but instead they turn their backs on you saying it’s not their problem even though it is their problem. It seems like this has happened more than once because Allstate must have some kind of a loophole in their contract that says we’ll deny your claims at our leisure.

The shingles are in perfect condition so I’m guessing this wasn’t an isolated incident where one guy made an error and turned down the wrong claim. Instead it seems like there might be a systemic problem at allstate denied my roof claim where they use these tactics to reject all kinds of claims in order to save money or cut costs. It feels like nobody wants to help me out, so now I’m stuck trying to figure out what else can I do?

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